First of His Kind (Sidus Book 1)

In Sidus series, set in the twenty-second century, humanity finally establishes contact with alien civilizations.

However, unlike our wildest dreams, this contact brings little change to the lives of the average person. Our extraterrestrial neighbors show no interest in our resources, our planet, or anything else for that matter. It becomes painfully apparent that in the vastness of the universe, Earth is merely one among countless others, holding little value or consequence. As Earth continues to bumble along on its own, true encounters with extraterrestrials are a rarity that hardly anyone experiences.

But it turns out, it is not the aliens who come to us; instead, it is us who must venture out into the unknown. And among the select few who dare to venture beyond our own world, I am one of them.

Hey there, I'm Dan Sugralinov!

From my earliest memories, stories have been my obsession. Whether it was scribbling tales as a youngster or diving deep into fictional realms, storytelling has always been in my DNA. My travels have taken me from the vast plains of Kazakhstan to Florida's sunny beaches, from the towering Himalayan peaks and Siberia's boundless snowy expanses to the historic alleyways of Rome and New York's soaring skyscrapers. Everywhere I've ventured, tales and memories have been my constant companions.

My goal? Simple. Offer you a moment of laughter, solace, or an escape with a compelling narrative. Every book of mine you choose is a pact: a promise that I'll deliver a journey worth every minute.

As you delve into my works, you'll discern a recurring motif: the enduring power of the human spirit, the enchantment of determination, and the infinite potential within us all. Entertainment is my forte, but if I can stir deeper emotions or thoughts within you, that's the cherry on top.

For the LitRPG aficionados out there, brace yourselves! With an expansive universe awaiting exploration, I'm committed to charting untraveled paths and crafting exhilarating, fresh plots.

Do swing by my website's main page to catch up on my latest releases, and peruse the menu for detailed rundowns of each book series. Oh, and don't skip on subscribing – I've got the scoop on upcoming releases and exclusive deals for you.

Ready for a dose of adventure, emotion, or a masterful tale? Join me! Let's embark on this literary journey together and witness the magic that unfolds.